Welcoming new era of 5G communications – industry, government, academia, research work together to find new future for green intelligent transportation with successful ending of 6th International Green and Smart Mobility Forum (2019)
The age of 5G is coming soon. So in order to promote Taiwan’s industries to upgrade again and get a foothold in the international market, how to carry out research and develop “killer application” services aside from the infrastructure is also the focus that all walks of life pay attention to. The Telecommunication & Transportation Foundation and Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Development (TAISE) co-organized The 6th International Green and Smart Mobility Forum (2019) at Chang Yung-fa Foundation on October 29. This evidently shows that 5G and development of green and smart mobility have been greatly valued by all the parties.
This year’s topic was “Recreate Taiwan’s New Economy from 5G Internet of Vehicles” and invited to the forum were domestic and foreign expert representatives that included Ministry of Economic Affairs, Office of Technical Superintendents at Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Institute for Information Industry, Transportation Department, New Taipei City Government, NCTU, FetNet, FETC, Chunghwa Telecom, Easy Card, Thi Consultants Inc., CrownTaxi, Acer, Ericsson, and Nokia. A total of 240 people from all walks of life took part in this forum with the hope that Taiwan can get a head start in the 5G market and go toward the goal of sustainable smart cities.
The forum focuses on issues from development of a digital infrastructure to enactment of laws and regulations related to application, technology and trend of 5G, AI, driverless vehicles and Internet of Vehicles. Under the guidance of Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and National Communications Commission, Taiwan’s vehicle industry and telecommunications industry have been working together to develop smart mobility services solutions and promote the next generation Internet of Vehicles, Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X), and technology standards of the application development of autonomous vehicles to showcase Taiwan’s achievements in autonomous vehicles, smart buses, green living, and green economy.